Posted on 7-8-06 Where's The Middle In East
By Alan Marston, 7 August, 2006
Tonight and next Monday evening, 9.30pm, PlaNet TV's latest programme
screening on Triangle Television in Auckland `Where's The Middle In East'.
A programme that tries to make sense of the attacks by Hamas and Hizbollah
on Israeli Defense Forces and the oft-called `overreaction' of Israel in
its attack and now invasion of Lebanon.
I interview three people with divergent views on the history of Israel.
Ali Kazak, Palestine Liberation Organisation, Stephen Hoadley, Auckland
University Political Studies Department and Mike Treen, co-founder of
Unite Union and left activist for over 30 years. My reasoning being that
one can't understand the present without some understanding of the past.
Will history repeat itself? Probably, especially if history is a mystery.