By AM, 13 July 2013
Experience, the one and only teacher, is unambigous, where un is the operative part, un, no, notness, negation... therein lies the boundary, the defining line which creates and thereby gives ex-is-tence to every thing.
Yet we are born, raised and I suppose most people die in an ocean of assertion, yesness, going along withness, positive-is and negative-is-not, an ocean invented by human institutions for human institutions and while one cannot deny the necessity of human institutions for infants, children and
the infirm as/if a human life progresses the noes and negations either lead to retreat back into child-like dependency on human institutions or advance into the un-known psychic territory that is the individual's world.
To be is to be un-ique, a one-and-only, a not anything else and thus to be is to set the boundary of one's self, to say no, to oppose all the demands of others/institutions that one can sustain. Initially the individual is small, its ability to oppose minute, however with diligent self-observation the self knowledge attained is applying as noness and one's self then grows in proportion to one's strength of character, one's ability to sustain opposition.