Posted on 12-10-07 After The Peaks
By Alan Marston, 12 October 2007
This latest TV programme is a discussion I had this week with
Richard Heinberg, Fellow of the US based Post Carbon Institute
consciousness for a post-peak-oil age.
I hope you will find the talk both illuminating and motivating.
Richard's new book (Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century Of Declines)
is introduced thus.
The 20th century saw unprecedented growth in population, energy
consumption and food production. As the population shifted from rural to
urban, the impact of humans on the environment increased dramatically.
The 21st century ushered in an era of declines, in a number of crucial
* Global oil, natural gas and coal extraction
* Yearly grain harvests
* Climate stability
* Population
* Economic growth
* Fresh water
* Minerals and ores, such as copper and platinum
To adapt to this profoundly different world, we must begin now to make
radical changes to our attitudes, behaviors and expectation.
But, what is the new-way that we all would do well to start practising today?
I hope you will find the talk both illuminating and motivating.
thanks Richard's sponsors for the NZ visit, North Shore City Council and
the Green Party of NZ for the time given to us for the PTV interview.
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screen progressive download, if you have broadband.
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