Posted on 24-3-2003

E-mail Virus Exploits Invasion

Warning about a new e-mail virus that feeds on public interest in the war
against Iraq. The Ganda worm comes as an e-mail attachment with a variety
of subject lines such as "Spy pics" and "GO USA !!!!".

Some of these claim to contain pictures of Iraq taken by US spy satellites
and others offer screensavers mocking Bush. Message inside the Ganda
virus: "I am being discriminated by the swedish schoolsystem (sic). This
is a response to eight long years of discrimination."

You may be tempted to share breaking news with friends and colleagues via
e-mail. Be warned to be extra vigilant. "The message to users is simple: be
suspicious of all unsolicited e-mails.

The e-mail worm can send itself to all addresses in Microsoft Outlook as
well as attempting to shut down anti-virus products. Virus writers are
becoming ever more cunning in how they persuade people to open infected
messages. Offering pictures of celebrities is a common ploy as is the use
of big events such as the football World Cup and even the anniversary of
the September 11 terror attacks.