Posted on 14-10-2003

What Does Green Mean?
by Jon Smyth

While Labour and the Greens were busy ideologically re-weaving the fabric of New Zealand's legal system so that it is immediately compromised by its inbreeding, I witnessed would be G.E. protesters abandoning train platforms in droves because the train never showed or sailed right past them without stopping. OK, I know that some of you will fight to the death for your right to have toad genes in your breakfast cereal, and good on you! I will defend to the death your right to poison yourselves out of the gene pool (just keep your food out of my environment while you do it) but this is not my point. Having finally managed to catch a train I witnessed, as I have on many journeys to and from Aucklands suburbs, critically overcrowded carriages, toddlers standing next to doors that signs warned us could fly open at any time, people packed so immobile that were there a collision or fire, many - children included - would die trampled, burned and asphyxiated.

 Laws such as those governing Health and Safety are being ignored daily, routinely, right in our faces and no one is held accountable, no one is prosecuted. What good can Helen and Margaret, Rod and Jeanette's inbred Supreme Court system do for us when, as our elected representatives they are unable to guarantee the maintenance of the fundamentals of our legal system? Following the example of S.O.E.s that spend more on branding and P.R. (ideology) than their usefulness to the public is worth, they are fiddling while Rome burns (Yes, I know two Italian metaphors&). While Helen and Margaret, Rod and Jeanette are fiddling about, I have heard that upwards of 20% of New Zealand's workforce is functionally illiterate. One state owned enterprise has to distribute their staff newsletters on video because vast swathes of their employees cant read right here in this in the country that once trumpeted the quality of its education system. What good can Helen and Margaret, Rod and Jeanette's inbred Supreme Court system do for countless numbers of New Zealanders who cant read let alone understand the pompous ideology that Labour and the Greens are foisting on us with the slimmest of parliamentary majorities?

 And ideology, not democracy, is at the core of this political boil. The Green Party's - Standard Reply - (sic) to questions about their support of Labour is that New Zealand's highest court should be in New Zealand and not half a world away. It is on that basis that we have supported the Government's Supreme Court legislation.Here in their own words is the proof that the Greens are putting ideology in front of democracy. The wafer thin majority with which the Greens and Labour are forcing this erosion of our rights is too small to afford even a veneer of democracy.

The Green's half a world away xenophobia is just a smoke screen to the real issue which is this: The Greens are going to subject this country to the self regulating control of a clique of elite rich professionals with little or nothing in common with the average, or poor, or Maori, or P.I., or Asian New Zealander upon whom the legal system is foisted most autocratically. If you have any complaint over the conduct of this clique, they themselves will decide whether or not they have been proper and you will have no appeal against their decision. Your right to the impartial independent revue of their autocracy has been taken from you. Nothing substantial has been given to you in return for this deliberate erosion of your basic rights.

 While the Privy Council may not have been the ideal or even a desirable foil to this, it is better than none at all. Coming from Catholic Irish stock, I have no desire to have the English sitting in judgment on New Zealanders, but I am not so daft that I would use an ideological saw to cut off the branch I was standing on! If the Greens think that the new legal order that they are creating, an order immune to true independent and impartial scrutiny, will be a level playing field in matters of Green concern, then they are truly living in Foo Foo Land. My flabber is gasted. Between them Labour and the Greens are going lickity split to complete our transformation into a Genetically Engineered Banana Republic. Here's an idea for National Party strategy. Repeal the abolition of the Privy Council, enshrine the Queens Chain in law, stand firm on nuclear free and ban GE. I've been a lefty all my life but no matter what other right wing policies they had, they'd have my vote.

PS:Crooked Science: NZ's Minister of Science, Marion Hobbs failed school C science. Now she holds sway over a scientific technology that many international cutting edge scientists claim holds the potential to wipe out life-on-earth. Marion demonstrated her moral ineptitude and corruption concerning her sham accommodation claim; and now she is putty in the hands of the wealthiest and most corrupt multinationals on earth: Transnationals who are beholding to no one and who hold sway over the USA, the most powerful nation on earth.  For example, Monsanto's (GE Food manufacturer), Bill Clinton's (while he was president of USA) and Tony Blair's chief PR executive is the same person.