Posted on 31-7-2003

wakeupauckland Rates Revolt

This is a quick email to bring you up to date with the actions proposed on the issue of the unilateral imposition of large rate rises by first, John Banks and his allies on the Auckland City Council, and lately by the ARC.

Wake Up Auckland calls on the ARC to live on last year’s income for this year while they go through a democratic, transparent, accountable and inclusive process to reach an agreed approach to achieve agreed outcomes.

The issue at stake in the Auckland City
is the fact that the current Council is abusing its legislative powers against the expressed interests of most Auckland City renters and ratepayers. 

They have an explicit agenda of rating low income homeowners out of their homes as part of the process of freeing up land in the outer city for sale to developers for intensive multi-storey housing developments.  This policy is officially known as intensification or the Growth Strategy.

On top of that their costings are based on a for-profit, cash accumulation business model rather than that of a community funded public service run for optimum effectiveness to achieve our shared goals.

The current squabbling that is going on between the ARC and the Councils is pure self indulgence when we are assaulted every night by television ads that advertise for support for food banks because “one in three children in Auckland live in poverty” and go to bed cold and hungry.

If this is true it must be declared a national emergency and treated accordingly.

The rate rises are taking cash from people who, if they pay will be forced on to or over the breadline.

In the case of the ARC the issue is the flagrant breach of the new Local Government Act 2002 and the lack of consultation on the collection method (direct collection costs a lot more), along with the lack of options for payment. 

While we recognise that there are serious environmental and infrastructure problems that will need big cash resources to fix, it is totally unreasonable to expect people on low or fixed incomes to shoulder the heaviest load of that burden. 

It is also unreasonable to expect us to cough up in one year to pay for problems that have been created by the mismanagement over 50 years.  A phased programme is needed to implement agreed solutions to agreed problems. 

Marney Ainsworth, Community & Group Facilitator, Ph 9-376 6213, Fax 376 0403, Mob: 021 284 7122

WUA rates revolt meeting schedule

Wednesday 6 August7.30 pm Parnell Community Ctre, 545 Parnell Rd.
Thursday 7 August7.30 pm Avondale Deaf Association, 1836 Gt North Rd
Friday 8 August 12.30 pm Mt Eden War Memorial Hall, 486 Dominion Rd
Monday, 11 August7.30 pm Onehunga Community Centre,  83 Church St
Tuesday, 12 August7.30 pm Freeman’s Bay - Community Centre, Hepburn St
Wednesday 13 August7.30 pm Otahuhu Town Hall, 10 High St
Saturday, 16 August12.30 pm St Heliers - Tamaki Ex-Services Assn Hall, cnr Turua & Polygon Sts,
Sunday, 17 August2.00 pm Waiheke - Ostend War Memorial Hall
Monday 18 August8.00 pm 3 Kings - Fickling Convention Ctre, 546 Mt Albert Rd
Friday, 22 August 12.30 pm Central City - Pioneer Women’s Hall, 2 Freyberg Pl