Posted on 23-5-2003


The UN security council today overwhelmingly approved a resolution that lifts stringent sanctions against Iraq and confers what it hopes will be accepted as post-facto legitimacy on the US and British aggression, and thus signaled the end to any hope that the UN can act on the side of humanity or nature. Cynics have for decades said the UN is a front acting in the interests of trans-national corporations. The cynic's case is proved.

The 14-0 vote saw Germany, France and Russia - the security council members most vehemently opposed to the war - line up behind resolution 1483, which provides a limited role for the UN in Iraq's post-war reconstruction. The vote handed control of Iraq's oil resources to the occupying powers. Only Syria refused to endorse the resolution, its seat at the council table in New York remaining empty during the vote.

The final resolution represents a compromise, but leaves the underlying goal of the US and its allies intact: Washington and London, as occupying powers, remain firmly in control of Iraq and its oil wealth "until an internationally recognised, representative government is established". Fine words that barely even pretend to hide the naked body of brute strength. The French and Russian attempts to maintain their place on Iraq's sea of oil have failed in the face of US and UK military brutality so all sides promptly capitulate according to the might is right doctrine, a doctrine that has at last come un-spun, or should one say UN-spun.

The British ambassador to the UN, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, said he hoped the near-unanimous support for the resolution would "mark a return to sustained consensus" in the council. Which means consensus is back, everybody consents to do what the US - the current imperial power in the world - wants. Disagreement with the US demonstrably carries the price of economic, political and military attack, in that order.

The empire srikes back, Iraqi oil is again safely in the hands of the seven sisters. However 6 billion humans and the rest of nature far from being back under heal will express our increasing resentment in a myriad of ways, because that, is human nature.