Posted on 5-9-2003

NeoCons More Right Wing Than Nazis
by Alan Marston

Rabble rousing title for propaganda effect? I don't think so, the Neo Conservative (NeoCon) controlled USA of today is politically and economically more extreme than Nazi Germany and to back that up I compare the German Nazi (National Socialist) programme points of 1920 with that of the 21st Century NeoCons who, via a courtroom coup detat, created the 2001-04 G W Bush Presidency and lacking opposition proceeded to capture the entire US government and administration and put it to work in the interests of big-business.

The obvious thesis being, Nazism was the direct rule of corporates using National Socialism and its political representatives as a propaganda front, and NeoConism is an even more extreme example of uncompromising rule by private corporation owners. The USA is where NeoCons have triumphed, but it is only the latest example to succumb to the ultimate industrial disease, commercial greed in its purest form.

20th Century Nazi Manifesto (1920)

1 Unification of Greater Germany (Austria + Germany)
2 Land + expansion
3 Anti-Versailles - abrogation of the Treaty.
4 Land and territory - lebensraum.
5 Only a "member of the race" can be a citizen.
6 Anti-semitism - No Jew can be a member of the race.
7 Anti-foreigner - only citizens can live in Germany.
8. Duty of individuals to the state
9 No immigration - ref. to Jews fleeing pograms.
10 Everyone must work.
11 Abolition of unearned income - "no rent-slavery".
12 Nationalisation of industry
13 Divison of profits
14 Extension of old age welfare.
15 Land reform
16 Death to all criminals
17 German law, not Roman law (anti- French Rev.)
18 Education to teach "the German Way"
19 Education of gifted children
20 Protection of mother and child by outlawing child labour.
21 Encouraging gymnastics and swimming
22 Formation a national army.
23 Duty of the state to provide for its volk.

21st Century NeoCon Theory and Practice (2003)

1. New American Century. PR for US dominance over global commerce and the politics that goes with it.

2. Oil Security: PR for control of something the global corporates view more important than land, namely oil reserves.

3. No Power Sharing. Any treaty with another state is anathema because it waters down US dominance. Thus the second act of G W Bush was to turn away from the climate change agreements, many more treaties have been broken since, particularly nuclear-arms limitation treaties.

4. Oil and Democracy. Where Democracy is PR for a political system that gives free reign to private corporate interests.

5. New Patriotism. The NeoCon sponsored Patriot Act puts into law discriminative targeting against non-WASPs (white anglo-saxon protestant), whether they be a US citizen or (especially) not a US citizen.

6. God is Judeo-Christian. Islam is to NeoCons what Judaism is to Nazis.

7. America For Americans. Where an American is anybody who has or can create profitability, all other qualifications are worse than irrelevant, they're a drain on profits.

8. Duty Of Individuals To America. The concept of what `America' is has been reified and the President revered as a demi-god.

9. Immigration Is Commerce. Citizenship, like everything else has to be paid for.

10. Everyone Must Work. Unemployed people must fend for themselves, no state support except for-profit schemes.

11. Abolition Of Unemployment Benefit. Work-for-dole is all there will be offered to unemployed.

12. Privatisation Of Government And State Services. This really does seem different to the Nazis, but the difference is more apparent than real. The Nazis were acting for privately owned corporations against semi-feudal industrial empires. The only empires left in 21st Century that aren't private property, are states. The NeoCons aggressively pursue the complete sell-off, contracting out and partnership agenda for state services as a way of handing them over to privately owned corporations.

13. Division Of Markets. Where the corporates in the 1920's wanted to divide up the land-owning feudal empires a global corporation of today wants to divide up the markets in its favour, and that is the role given to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and its blitzkrieg against `unfree' markets.

14. Tax Cuts. Recent tax law changes in the USA have rewarded the already well-off (corporate owners and managers) with huge tax breaks while those who have a small business or work for a living get tiny or no tax breaks.

15. Market Reform. Doing away with the few remaining commercial, environmental, anti-monopoly, pro-worker laws that still exist in the USA.

16. Death To All Criminals. The number of executions in the USA steadily increases, especially if a NeoCon is in control of a state government.

17. American Law Not Any Other Law. The definition of democracy has to be whatever suits those corporates who are using the USA as their base of operations.

18. Education The American Way. Schools have to promote Christianity, the dem-god status of the US President and find money for themselves because lesson #1 is if you can't make money for yourself then starve.

19. The Best Education Money Can Buy. If you're rich, you're gifted.

20. No Compromise. Economically, NeoCons are more right-wing/pro-corporate than Nazis. NeoCons have absolutely no social agenda outside profit maximisation.

21. See 20.

22. Full Spectrum Dominance. The US armed forces will dominate the entire planet, from land, sea, air and space... no matter what it costs (the manufacture and deployment of weapons in the USA is almost entirely the domain of big business.

23. Duty Of The State To Provide For Business. Self explanatory, and the true meaning of NeoCon.

I rest my case.