Posted on 8-11-2002

US Democracy, The Evil Of Two Lessers
By Alan Marston

With the passing of the 2002 US elections both the Congress houses are now
in Republican hands, control of crucial environmental committees will also
rest with them, along with the power to dictate the flow of much
legislation through Congress.

In theory the split between the two major political parties remains close
enough to ensure that the Bush administration will have difficulty
advancing its rightist agenda unchallenged. In reality losses by the
Democrat Party shouldn't send a shiver of fear up the spine of democrats,
that's democrats with a small d. There has not been anything even vaguely
resembling people power in Washington for twenty five years and the
steadily decreasing participation in national politics by voters reflects a
growing consciousness of that sharp-edged fact.

The last remaining vestiges of US democracy rest in the hands of the State
Governments. It is in the State Legislatures of the USA that environmental,
social and commercial issues can and have been addressed in a way that at
least partially reflects the needs of the great un-rich, needs which are in
opposition to the interests of a corporate minority who rule unimpeded in

Democracy like every thing in the known universe is a balancing act, nobody
can beat that, not even Texans. The laws of the universe not withstanding I
recommend a steady pressure on politicians as a part of daily life rather
than reliance on 5 minutes in a polling booth every few years.