Posted on 28-3-2003

Misinformation Is Power
by Alan Marston

What is truth? A question with the same philosophical religious
implications as `What is God?'. Most of the time we can treat such
questions with philosophical detachment and agree to disagree, but not so
in the middle of a war when getting good information means the difference
between life and death.

It appears that a war is only going on in Iraq, and right there is the
prime symptom of another global war, the war on democracy, which employs
misinformation instead of munitions. What is truth? is the central question
for all humans, always has been, but it has never been answered so
powerfully for death and so accessibly for life. For every bucket of death
answers projected via mainstream media outlets there is a teaspoon of
life-giving information in an ever expanding network of electronic
independent media, of which PlaNet hopes it plays a part.

Rather than reiterate misinformation, which will be second-hand and
re-propagates it, PlaNet aims to give alternative, pro-democracy,
information and recommends that each individual searches out information
for themselves, choosing sources that feel like life-promoting truth.
Instinct comes before intellect.

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