Posted on 29-1-2003

Letter To Don

by Claire Breen, January 22 2003

Bizarre is the only word to describe the National Party as they continue
to make decisions that are doomed to further erode their already shaky
support of 21% of the electorate.

I refer to the disastrous appointment of Don Brash as National's new
policy coordinator with his latest 'horse manure' proposal to herd
together 300,000 unemployed New Zealanders, hand them a scythe and go
girl, go boy, go 'cut grass' - reminiscent of the proposal by Coates in
the 30's who told us to "Go eat grass" ?

Never mind the queues of thousands outside post-shops of the disaffected,
disadvantaged, disenfranchised men and women who are in this situation,
courtesy of the economic structural reforms of the 80's and 90's, that
Brash so loudly hails as a success on the one hand but then contradicts
himself by saying we are hurtling towards 'Third World" status, which for
the unemployed, are the result of these very same reforms.

A more intelligent proposal, but obviously something Brash is incapable
of due to his indoctrination at the World Bank/IMF in a former life, is
to aim for full employment policies in meaningful occupations.

Buying New Zealand made products would mean a doctrinal shift for the
'Free Traders' to think 'Fair Trade' matching our trading partner's
tariffs and demanding ILO conditions for their workforce.

Don Brash Ph.D., should make an appointment with a WB/IMF cult
buster/de-programmer reversing his tendency to make ridiculous
suggestions as National tries to re-invent itself.