Posted on 18-2-2003

Gulf War Part II
by Alan Marston (click on picture above to see full size)

There's a grain of truth in all humour, or it wouldn't work. The above
parody does work, why?

It is beyond doubt that `The Way The West Was Won' has deeply influenced
the USA's self-perception. The attached hollywoodisation parody of the US
President G W Bush starring in a war movie, while demeaning, surely can be
justifiably drawn on the basis that the Bush Presidency does seem to follow
the plot of a movie, and not even a good movie.

Reality as movie:

Flawed, man of the people with common touch (shades of John Wayne?)
reluctantly takes on politics to finish the job his father didn't, the
defeat of the bad guy in the desert. Lilly-livered lovers of peace stand in
way. Hero stands alone, faces evil and overcomes with massive fire-power
from armed cavalry who have stayed loyal. Loner seen for what he is, a hero
and saviour of the American Way.

Movie as reality:

1. Texas rich boy's career underpinned by wealth and power which has been
used to corrupt electoral process to maintain political dynasty.

2. Cabal of conservative business interests plot takeover of government.

1 + 2 = 3. Rather unintelligent and easily manipulated leader is put in
place to do the bidding of big money and bitter father.

4. Dark, mysterious and all but invisible evil genius threatens to conquer
universe and indoctrinate masses with un-american ideas, but doesn't
convince anyone except those who need him as enemy.

5. Evil genius, being impossible to find, is conveniently linked with
inconvenient political leaders by those same business interests seeking to
expand and control their empire.

6. The vast majority of people, seeing the cheesy plot for what it is, rise
up against the corruption and war mongering.

7. Caught in a trap of their own greed, those who seek empire are forced to
portray themselves as hero, who though nearly alone, has to do the `right

8. The masses don't fall for it, the bent politicians and their business
backers find themselves facing their worst enemy, a well-informed public.

9. Cut to setting sun as greed incarnate rides into the desert of public