Posted on 11-7-2003

Awake Aucklanders

Last night the Wake Up Auckland Steering Committee heard from two ARC staff representatives about the situation behind the upcoming ARC rate rises. We heard:

1         The ARC did not want to rate separately.
  They have only decided to do so because the majority of City Councils in the area declined to continue to collect rates on behalf of the ARC.  The action of our city Councils have meant that the ARC will now have to pay double the $6m collection costs they paid before.

    2    They have a plan to start involving the community in having a direct say from next year.

    3    The big increases in rates are because of the two additional levies that have been created – a transport levy and a biosecurity levy.

    4     The transport levy will be used to pay private sector operators to run enough mass transit services like buses and trains. The levies are used to subside corporations like Stagecoach New Zealand, a wholly owned subsidiary of Stagecoach Holdings PLC, a UK based company with an  annual turnover of £2 billion per annum.  It also operates in the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, and China. 

    5    (The Auckland operation is part of their Overseas Bus division that operates in Hong Kong, Wellington, and Auckland. This division, has a turnover of £194.7m, an operating profit of  £34.1m  and a fleet size of about 2,150, of which about 900 are in New Zealand.)

    6     It turns out that almost all the proposed ARC transport levy will be paid out as subsidies to these private sector companies. In other words our rates will be used to make up their private profit.

    7   The reason for this rort is the fact that in the early 1990’s, Ruth Richardson, Jenny Shipley and co passed a law stripped the then ARA of all its assets (like the Yellow Bus company) and forced them to sell the assets or to prepare them for sale.  Because the ARC does not have an asset base, we are now being asked to pay huge increase in rates.

   8   We pointed out to the ARC staff that we have had fifteen years of huge rates increases (since local government amalgamation).  Now we are being asked to pay a levy that will put many people on to or over the bread line.  Enough is enough.

As a result of the meeting, I have had a chance to reflect on a recommendation from WUA on the ARC rates.  I suggest the following:

  1. That those people who wish to,  withhold payment of the extra levies for transport.
  2. That those who do decide to boycott that way be provided with a letter from WUA that they can attach to their rate demand to advise the ARC that the rate demand is in dispute. 
Marney Ainsworth,


Auckland City Council wants a zoning change, which if adopted, will allow housing intensification (slummification), unlimited height! Also, Housing New Zealand have applied for a plan change which will put intensified housing into a park! (Talbot Park Glen Innes).
What sort of precedent is being created here?

HEARING:       Thursday 10 July
WHERE:          Auckland City Council building, 15th Floor, Greys Ave, 10.00am


1)  "On Plan change 58,  Residential 8 will be a new zone in the District Plan (if adopted)


8a        3 stories

8b        5 stories (100m)

8c        unlimited height and intensification!

Our group does not want to see consents applied for on a site by site basis which will ultimately 'slumify' the entire city!

2) On the same day, Plan Change 118 - Housing New Zealand are the first to apply for consent under zone 8b (new zone).

One of the hideous features in their application is the fact that they haveapplied for consent to put intensified housing into the PARK!
(Talbot Park, Glen Innes). This would set a precedent for intensified housing to be constructed in any other park in the Auckland area. The Housing Lobby feel that Housing New Zealand are being used as the catalyst.  We are fighting for consent NOT to be granted and asking that Zone 8 NOT be adopted into the District Plan.

Sue Henry,
Spokesperson, Housing Lobby