Posted on 5-3-2003

Back It Up - James Blundell

Platinum selling Australian Icon, James Blundell is today releasing a
song dedicated to one simple question the whole world is asking, "Do we
want a war?"

James Blundell, like many people around the world, is a worried man. The
prospect of war, an event that could change his and his family’s lives
forever, is looming, and there seems that there is nothing that anybody
can do about it. However James has done something about it.

James Blundell has written and recorded a song that asks the world's
leaders to think again. Have the last wars really sorted out the world’s

Before we step right off the edge,

Before 'We are at war' is said,

Before we start to count the dead,

Back it up

Everybody breathes, Everybody bleeds

Lines from James' song that he hopes will be heard by millions and will
make those millions and many more think again.

If you would like to hear or download the song please visit it is available for free and we welcome you pass
it on to any parties you feel may be interested in hearing it.

James hopes that "Back It Up" will become the anthem of many of the
world's peace organizations and concerned parties all over the planet.