Organics Organizations Say NO to GE Contamination of Organic Produce
Posted 19th April 2001
(picture shows new book, Genetically Engineered Food,
A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers, by Ronnie Cummins and Ben Lilliston)

New Zealand's largest and most well-established organics organizations have issued a statement that they will NOT allow any level of GE contamination in certified organic produce. The intentional use of genetically engineered seeds, plants, livestock and other inputs is strictly forbidden in organic growing systems. In addition, the NZ Biological Producers and Consumers Council (BIO-GRO NZ), the Bio Dynamic Farming & Gardening Association, and the Soil & Health Association of NZ today confirmed their policies of zero tolerance of GE contamination of organic produce. This means that New Zealand consumers can be assured that organic products carrying the certification marks BIO-GRO or Demeter are free of GM contaminants. The three organizations have released this statement in response to reports of GE contamination of organic food produced in countries where GE crops have been grown.

The contamination occurs largely through the drifting of pollen from the GE crops into organic fields. BIO-GRO, Demeter and Soil & Health are very aware that New Zealander consumers have repeatedly stated that they want food free of GE products, and have moved to protect consumers' interests in this area. They have adopted, and maintain, their positions of zero tolerance of GM contamination in the interests of both consumers and growers in this country, and will continue to work for what the majority of New Zealanders have said that they want, a GE-free nation. Today's statement supports the recent initiatives of Nelson City Council and the Far North District Council in declaring GE-Free zones. It also supports the recommendation by the National Maori Hui to the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, that Aotearoa New Zealand be a GE-free nation.