Posted on 30-7-2003

Rodney Organics

The Rodney Economic Development Trust has recognised the potential for an organics sector in the district and has asked one of its Directors ­ organic farmer John Pearce of Shelly Beach Farms - to take some initial steps in its development.

Three roadshows were held during April at which an overview was given re the potential for organics. Since then a Field Day and a site planning visit have been made and two new certification groups (pods - see following email) have been formed. Events for the rest of the year include an organic wine seminar and an organic dairying workshop.

Organic Potential

The growth of organics internationally and locally - international market is worth $22 Billion (US) p/a. Average growth is more than 20% in US, higher in Europe and Japan. Estimates are that if current rates of growth continue, by 2020 the US retail food market would be almost entirely organic.

The real potential for organics in New Zealand is not being promoted by mainstream and agricultural media. We have a unique opportunity given our comparatively green environment and development of sustainable agriculture - there are plenty of models from successful organic growers. The need for less chemically grown produce is already recognised by various horticultural and agricultural sectors - eg the kiwifruit industry has a well established kiwi green programme, grapegrowers are following suit, Fonterra is recruiting organic dairy farmers and encouraging others to convert, etc, etc.

Rodney has a lot of non-productive land, especially on lifestyle blocks, that could be used for a variety of organic crops. Organics could contribute to the Rodney District Council's policy of local development, employing and buying local. These policies are actively supported, promoted and developed by the Economic Development Trust. Organics could also provide business opportunities for smallgrowers and a support network is being created to encourage this sort of development which would allow even inexperienced people to become involved. These small businesses could be developed into larger-scale, export businesses as appropriate.

Farmers Market

The Council and the Trust are supporting the establishment of a Farmers' Market in Orewa. This would provide an outlet for Rodney growers only, providing fresh, seasonal, local produce. Initially 20% of the stalls are set aside for organic producers, more will be made available as demand grows.

Based on the experience of the Whangarei market, Orewa market will attract large numbers of customers from within Rodney and from Auckland. Eventually it is envisaged that other local markets will be set up in other parts of Rodney. Starting date has not yet been set as consents and Transit NZ requirements are still being worked through. The market will run on Sunday mornings from 6.00 - 10.00 am. This is to accommodate the needs of retail businesses in the area. It is likely to be in the area of Orewa Square on SH 1. Further information from Steve Melville, Market Manager, 09 431 5301:

Growers who want to be part of the organic part of the market need to be certified organic or registered at some level of the ORGANICFARM NZ scheme - see next email.
At the road shows, the Trust made available at no charge a variety of literature: The Sustainable Dream by John Pearce (retail value $10), a series of Organic Friendly leaflets published by the Rodney District Council, a leaflet on the Farmers' Market; a leaflet on the Organic Farm NZ scheme. If you'd like to receive this literature, let me have your postal address. We are also compiling an organics Database to keep everyone interested in organics informed and involved in future developments. If you'd rather not be included, or for further information contact:

Valerie Freeman Rodney Economic Development Trust 09 426 8904

Organic Farm NZ

Previously there were three organic certification labels in New Zealand:
  • Bio-Gro
  • Demeter
  • Certenz.
The first two are long-established and highly respected and internationally recognised. Demeter is the biodynamic certification, and can take seven years to achieve if livestock are involved. Bio-Gro is the label most NZ organic producers export under, it takes around three years to achieve full certification.
Certenz is run by Agriquality - the government agency, and can be achieved more quickly. It is also internationally recognised. These labels can be expensive for the small producer who does not wish to export.

Organic Farm NZ:
  • was devised by the Soil & Health Association in conjunction with MAF.
  • works with Bio-Gro using Bio-Gro standards and being audited by Bio-Gro inspectors.
  • is much cheaper than other organic certifications.
  • differs from other certifiers in that Organic Farm NZ is regionally-based.
  • is used only for the local market.
  • works through a system of "pods" - groups for 3 - 8 growers who can be commercial growers, home gardeners, community groups or even schools. The "pods" support each other and have to monitor and inspect each others' properties ­ peer review. Each pod is independently audited annually and there is provision for spot checks.
Each region manages its own part of the scheme, while the Soil & Health Association provides governance and administrative support. Fees this year were set at $250 per property + $50 approx for initial documentation. Of this $80 went to Bio-Gro for the set up of the auditing etc; $10 to Soil & Health for admin; $160 to the region. In future years regions will set their own fees. Bio-Gro costs are also likely to be adjusted (probably downwards!).

This scheme offers an easy entry into organics, allowing for a gradual transition with a full support system. It also offers an opportunity for greater co-operation with marketing eg through complementary crops, continuity of supply through extended season growing; processed and value-added items; shared resources/machinery etc. It could also lead to regional branding.

More information contact:
Valerie Freeman Rodney Economic Development Trust 09 426 8904 Email:

Organics Co-ordinator, Rodney Economic Development Trust, 401 Hibsicus Coast Highway, OREWA. 09 426 8904  021 630094

Register with this form to be included in Rodney Organics Database. The database will be used strictly to help communication and development within the Rodney Organics community.

Size of Property
Crops, livestock, produce etc
Interest in other crops for future
Other groups you are associated with eg SmallFarming NZ
Organic certification/experience
Are you interested in ORGANICFARMNZ certification? Y/N
As an individual? Y/N        As part of a pod? Y/N
Post to Rodney Organics, Rodney Economic Development Trust, 401 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa
For queries/information relating to organics contact:

For queries/information relating to the Farmers' Market, contact Steve Melville: 09 431 5301o Email: PO Box 11, Mangawhai