Posted on 8-4-2003


There is a new excellent website, developed by a Wellingtonian returned
from Australia, Sharyn Clarkson. is a large site, with
extensive information on brands to boycott customised for each country.

The site also provides locally-owned alternatives whenever possible, so
that we can support our own. A feature worth noting in all our boycotting
is "embedded brands"-- which appear to be Kiwi but are actually owned by
the U.S. Some of these are Lemon and Paeroa, Watties, Oak, Dolmio's and
even Edmonds.

This sort of branding, and also the practice of "re-badging", where the
parent U.S. company sells off its product in bulk for packaging
which then appears to be local, will be covered on the site. This is a
major and most welcome resource for New Zealanders in what has definitely
become a world-wide movement.