Posted on 9-8-2002

2002 Roger Award Nominations

(If you have a nomination, please copy and paste this form into an email
and fill and and return to email address below, or print and fax or even

For the Worst Transnational Corporation Operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand
in 2002.

Your Name.................................




Transnational Corporation nominated__________________________________________

Reasons why you think your nominee is the worst TNC in NZ in 2002 (Please
use the other side of this form or further pages if you need more space):



The criteria for judging are by assessing the transnational that has the
most negative impact in each or all of the following fields: unemployment,
monopoly, profiteering, abuse of workers/conditions, political
interference, environmental damage, cultural imperialism, impact on tangata
whenua, running an ideological crusade, impact on women, health and safety
of workers and the public.


A panel of judges (to be announced) will be given a shortlist of 8-9
nominations from which to make their decision. The winner(s) will be
announced at an event in Auckland in early 2003.


You can nominate the same Transnational as last year as long as the
nomination is about their misdeeds in 2002. Please send as much detail as
you have, including press cuttings and reports, but you do not have to do
all the research. Just quote sources if you can.

Nominations close on October 31 2002. Send your nomination to:

The Roger Award, Box 1905, Christchurch. Or fax to: (03) 3668035 E-mail:

This form (and more details about the Roger Award) can be accessed at:

CAFCA, Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa, Box 2258,
Christchurch, New Zealand.