Posted on 29th November 2001

Electoral Review For NZ Local

New Zealand Government Secretary of the Justice and Electoral Select
Committee, Wendy Proffitt announced that a Committee of Inquiry would be
held on the 2001 Local Body Elections. This was a review that had already
been planned for, and will give people a chance to make submissions etc
on how people see the 2001 Local Electoral Act.

Given that the majority are, for whatever reasons, choosing not to
participate in our system of 'electoral democracy' would tend to indicate
in it a significant lack of public confidence and the view "People vote
and nothing changes - so why bother?" A pretty valid view, but then so is
the opposing view, if you don't vote you can't complain.

Hearings will be held around New Zealand.

Individuals or groups wanting to know more, or at this stage have names
put forward on the list to make submissions can contact:

