Posted on 17-4-2003

East Ur Omen
From the Tao Te Ching


Whosoever in true DAO helps a ruler of men
does not rape the world by use of arms,
for actions return onto one's own head.
Where armies have dwelt thistles and thorns grow.
Behind battles follow years of hunger.
Therefore the competent seeks only decision, nothing further.
He does not dare conquer by force.
Decision without boasting;
decision without glorifying;
decision without arrogance;
decision because it cannot be helped;
decision removed from force.


Weapons are instrument of bad omen:
all beings, I believe, loathe them.
Therefore, whosoever has the true DAO
does not want to know about them.
The noble man, in his ordinary life,
considers the left the place of honour.
In the art of warfare the right is the place of honour.
Weapons are instruments of bad omen,
not instruments for the noble.
He uses them only when he cannot help it.
Quietness and peace are his highest values.
He gains victory but he does not rejoice in it.
Whosoever would rejoice in it
would, in fact, rejoice in the murder of men.
Whosoever would rejoice in the murder of men
cannot achieve his goal in the world.
In fortunate circumstance one considers
the left the place of honour.
In unfortunate circumstances one considers
the right the place of honour.
The vice-commander stands to the left,
the supreme commander to the right.
This means: he takes his place
according to the rules for memorial services.
Killing men in great numbers
one must bewail with tears of compassion.
Whosoever has been victorious in battle
shall linger as if attending a memorial service.